Usually people think it is a struggle to go vegan. They think it is too hard to give up certain foods, difficult to deal with social pressures, and too expensive. But once you go vegan, most of these are not in fact issues, plus you may discover some unexpected benefits. I went vegan for ethical […]
Tag: becoming vegan
Whole Food Vegan Starter Kit: Foods You Didn’t Know You Needed In Your Life
It’s almost a new year and a time to stop for reflection. Often this is the time for resolutions and goal-setting. I never really was a resolution type of person, but I do like to reflect. So in this post I will look back at some of the things I have discovered since becoming vegan. […]
My First 100% Vegan and 95% Whole Food Thanksgiving
Gratitude for a Vegan Thanksgiving This year, I was lucky enough to be able to have a completely vegan Thanksgiving for my first big holiday after becoming vegan. I understand most vegans are not so fortunate. I am blessed to have parents who went vegan with me. And since we celebrated at their house, I […]
Musings On Being Vegan and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave
This post is kind of random. I feel like I’m about to write a book report, but it’s been a minute since I’ve been in school so forgive the poor execution. The other day I found one of my old philosophy books from college. It included Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. As I reviewed the […]
First Fully Vegan Day: What I Ate
What I Ate Series The purpose of this series is to capture my cooking method rather than tried and tested recipes. I rarely follow exact recipes, but instead follow a general template for building a plate. Based off of that template, I create meals using whatever ingredients I already have on hand. So any measurements […]
Vegan for the Animals and the Earth
My Background with Veganism I have always been the type of person you might stereotypically think would be vegetarian or vegan. I love animals, I’m a bit eccentric, I practice yoga and observe the principle of ahimsa or non-violence, and I’ve had many vegan and vegetarian friends. But I have also always wanted to be […]
Transition to Vegan: What I Ate
What I Ate Series The purpose of this series is to capture my cooking method rather than tried and tested recipes. I rarely follow exact recipes, but instead follow a general template for building meals. Based off of that template, I create meals using whatever ingredients I already have on hand. So measurements provided are […]
From Whole30 to Whole Plant Foods
A Note on the Word Diet There are so many negative connotations around the word diet. So I often use the phrase “eating pattern” instead of diet. If I use the word diet, I simply mean the food that you eat. Focusing on how we feel and how the food we eat makes us feel […]
6 Mistakes to Avoid When Going Vegan
I went vegan about four months ago. And I’ve noticed a few things along the way. Learning about this lifestyle is a journey and is not always easy. While these are just from my experience, and everybody will struggle with different things, if you’re considering becoming vegan or are a new vegan yourself, hopefully these […]
Becoming Vegan and Starting a Blog
Introduction As a kid I was a stereotypical nerd: socially awkward, smart, and quiet kid with glasses, acne, allergies, and asthma. I don’t think I’ll ever grow out of my awkwardness, and I’ve come to embrace that. However, after years of trying everything with no relief, suddenly my allergies and asthma are miraculously disappearing without […]